In response to the community, and through consultation, surveys and an Open Event, The Village Hall Committee has approved the progression of a project to improve the playing fields facilities. ‘Active Burniston & Cloughton’ is the project name.
The project is in 3 phases:
Phase 1 – included renewing bridges, removing dead tree and lots of things to improve the grounds prior to commencing phase 2.
Phase 2 – Is to renovate the tennis courts and install the MUGA.

Phase 3 – is to build a skatepark
The most anticipated element of the project for children, young people and adults. We have shared our plans with many and have a concept design. We will be applying for planning permission shortly. The budget is £100,000 for this element of the work.
The skatepark will sit in the landscape, using the topography of the site. The dry stone wall will stay intact and entrance will be through a new opening in the fence aside the under 10s playground. This is a concept design shared with many of the ‘experts’ involved in the project.

How you can help
We can only achieve the plan with your help, both through volunteering, fund-raising and donations.
We have introduced a sponsorship scheme, whereby you can sponsor a square of the tennis courts/MUGA for £30 and receive a Certificate of Sponsorship and a What3Words location, gift for someone perhaps. Just email or call 01723 643003 for more details.

Grants Awarded to Date
Thank you to both the Lottery Heritage and Lottery Community Funds for their generous donation of £10,000 each. The funds were donated from monies raised through those who play the lottery and we thank you all and to everyone who has donated, attended a fund raising event or volunteered.

If you would like to help with this project or make a donation via other means please get in touch – you can email us at or call 01723 643003. Donations of raffle and auction prizes would also be gratefully received.